Tuesday, 27 February 2018

SEO Help for the Experts – 4 Types of Clients You Should Consider Firing

At what point should you decide to let a client go?

Most professional relationships often have their ups and downs, but when the lows start to outweigh the highs, it's time to reconsider whether or not the relationship should continue.

When somebody comes to you for SEO help, you want to do exactly that – help them. Sometimes, things don’t always work out as planned, and the dream client becomes a nightmare.

Here are 4 types of client that you should think about cutting ties with:

1. The Blamer

 Whether the client likes it or not, SEO is a team effort and requires some work on their part. You can   help them get to where they want to be, but it requires them to play their part, too. There's no way   you can work your magic if your client doesn't follow your instructions or second guesses your   procedures, or simply doesn't do (or worse – only half-heartedly does) what's been asked of them to   make the project a success. No matter how much you try provide your SEO help, they just won't   play  ball. Cut ties and move on.

2. The 'Value' Seeker

 While many clients associate cost with value, some see your fees as an expense rather than an   investment. They might complain about the cost or ask for discounts. Or, they might add more to the   project and expect the cost to stay the same. 

 You're providing your SEO help and expertise at a price that's fair for both parties, and they're trying   to take advantage. They simply don't see the value you're providing. Drop this type of client and find   someone who will gladly invest in your services.

3. The Bully

 The majority of clients you encounter most likely conduct themselves in a professional manner.   However, there are those that don't see you as an equal in your professional relationship and tend to   abuse their 'power'. This can range from talking down to you, to law case-worthy antics. 

 It may sometimes feel as though you're trapped in a situation and that you should put up with it.   Don't. No amount of money is worth being treated like something your client stepped in. Take your   SEO help, knowledge and expertise to someone who'll treat you like a human being.

4. The Stress Causer

 You may already know this type of client. You hear your phone ringing, see their name on the   screen,  and your heart sinks. When they email, you feel your blood pressure rising at the sight of   their name. You feel as though all of your energy is directed at making them happy, but it's never   enough. 

 You want to offer them SEO help, but everything they say or do stresses you out. Cut this type of   client out of your life and focus your energy on working with people you enjoy working with.

 Working with clients we get on well with allows us to produce our best work – the quality of work a   quality client deserves. On the other hand, nightmare clients affect our work, which leads to a   perpetual cycle of stress and negativity.
 SEO in Sydney


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